Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Exodus 4:13

Today I read in Exodus chapter 4, where God appears to Moses in a burning bush. How often have I wished that God would speak to me in a burning bush and tell me so specifically what he wants me to do! But even with all the assurances and signs that God gives Moses, he makes excuse after excuse, and finally in verse 13 pleads "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."
I suppose I am really no better than Moses. God may not speak to me in a burning bush, but he has revealed his will through his word. If I am honest, I think often when I claim I don't know what he wants of me, the truth is I just don't want to do what I know he wants because it seems too hard. O Lord, please send someone else to do it!
I pray that I will become more of a Mary than a Moses!

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