Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mackenzie's 13th birthday

Turning thirteen is a pretty big deal in our family. We have used it as a milestone with our daughters, as a crossover from being a little girl to a young woman.

Mackenzie turned thirteen on February 23. The day before, Nana took her shopping for a new dress, and the day of her birthday I took her to get her hair done. She looked stunning, and very grown up.

Then Dan and I took her out to supper, just the three of us, to the Great Impasta for supper. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and creme brulee for dessert. Yum.

Then we gave her our special gift, a sapphire purity ring.

Dan puts the ring on Mackenzie's finger, where it will stay until it is replaced by an engagement ring someday.

So pretty!

Mackenzie outside the Parkland Theater where we went to see "Once Upon a Mattress" after dinner.

It is sometimes strange to think of my Mackenzie as the beautiful young woman she is growing into. For so many years she has been my rough-and-tumble girl, my silly, sassy, fearless wild thing. Now she is growing up. She is playful, enthusiastic, hard-working, compassionate and adventurous. I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use her unique personality and talents.

Raising daughters is a challenge. Our culture bombards them with so many false messages about their appearances, their abilities and their worth. I remember well feeling so insecure as a teenager, believing that I could never be thin enough, pretty enough, stylish enough or smart enough to measure up to the perfection I saw on television, in movies and in magazines. I remember basing my self worth on the approval of others, and never stopping to ask myself why their opinion should even matter to me. I remember trying to find fulfillment in relationships that could only leave me empty, and experiencing rejection that left me broken and disillusioned.

Those experiences and the wise counsel of some dear friends have caused Dan and I to be very purposeful in bringing up our girls. It is our prayer that they will look to God and God alone for approval, find their identity in Christ, and seek out relationships that will encourage them in those pursuits.

Happy birthday, dearest Mackenzie. You are a precious treasure and we love you more than we could ever say.

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