It is rather old, is quite out of tune, and the bench needs refinished badly, but we are still thrilled. When we asked out piano tuner to take a look at it before we bought it, he said if we could get this piano at the price the owners were asking for it, we should buy it and buy it now. We really hadn't thought seriously about a grand, because of the size and price, but this was such a deal.
Our other piano is an old upright, and the better our daughters learn to play, the worse it sounds. :) Katie is giving lessons now, and really needed a better instrument to teach and practice on. This is an answer to prayer. And I think it makes the living room look classy, at least when there aren't matchbox cars underneath it.
The upside/downside (depending on your perspective) is that the piano sits where our entertainment center used to be. Providentially, our television went kaput just days after we went to look at this piano for the first time. I took it as a sign from the Lord that we were to do without TV and get the big piano. My husband was not quite so enthusiastic, but agreed that music was a better investment for our family's time and money right now, so out went the entertainment center and in came the piano. My hubby is such a good man who loves his family so much!
We do have a smaller TV/DVD combo that we use for the funeral home downstairs and can bring up to watch family movies, so it isn't all that bad. I thought the younger kids might protest a little more, but they love the new piano. In fact, the "grandness" of it seems to have inspired them to practice more...although it isn't even tuned yet.
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