Sunday, January 4, 2009

O Christmas Tree(s)

When Dan and I got married, one of the first things we had to work out was the issue of the Christmas tree. I grew up with the tradition of going out to the tree farm and cutting a live tree. He had artificial trees. My powers of persuasion won him over, and for seventeen years we've had a real tree.

As Dan's allergies and asthma get a little worse every year, we may eventually have to let this tradition go. But he's a great dad, and he knows how much the kids love picking out the tree so he goes along. At least most of the kids love it. Eleanor told me this year she did not want a real tree because she didn't like picking up the "crumbs." (needles, I suppose) I can't believe she even remembered that from last year! She also didn't get out of the truck for more than a minute or two at the tree farm because it was cold. Evidently this family tradition is not one of her favorites.

Mackenzie located our "perfect tree" this year. A little shorter than in years past (we've had some really big ones), but it had a beautiful shape and fit in the dining room very nicely.

Elijah watches while Dan cuts down the tree.

After all the lights and decorations are on, it is another tradition that Dad puts the angel on last.

Our tree is very hodge-podge. We have ornaments from trips we've taken, things that have been given to us, things the kids have made for us, and even some things that have been handed down from my parents' and grandparents' trees.

After the decorating is done!

Now here's the part where our Christmas tree traditions go a little overboard:

The kids have a lot of ornaments of their own. A lot. If I put all of their ornaments on our tree, there wouldn't be room for any others, so a few years back Katie and Mackenzie got their own small trees. Now Elijah and Eleanor have their own, also.

Katie's tree

Mackenzie's tree

Elijah's tree

Eleanor's tree

This little tree has been around a while. It used to be in my room when I was in college.

And finally, the tree downstairs in the funeral home. This tree is the total opposite of our tree upstairs. It is artificial. It has all white lights and matching ornaments with elegant gold ribbon. I love the way this room looks decorated for Christmas with the mantle and bannister covered in greenery.

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