I just wanted to take a couple minutes tonight to share why I think my husband is an amazing father. This may get sappy, but hey, it's my blog.
He is a hard worker and a good provider. He has worked jobs he hated and worked for people who were exceedingly difficult to keep me home with the kids and to allow us to homeschool.
He is supportive and involved in our homeschool. While I do almost all of the actual teaching, we share a vision for our childrens' futures and a passion to give them a solid Christian education and biblical worldview. He is interested in what we are learning and encourages me when I start feeling overwhelmed.
He is fun. He plays with the kids, teases them, wrestles on the floor with them, etc. Our family is fun because of his joyful heart and sense of humor. He brings laughter and warmth to our home.
He values my role as a mother and expresses his appreciation for what I do to the kids, and encourages them to do the same.
He does everything in his power to protect us. He keeps our home safe and our vehicles in good working order. He has even proven that he would risk his own life to protect ours.
He is purposeful in training our son to grow up to be a godly man. He includes him in his work whenever he can. He is a wonderful example to him of Christian father, husband, church leader and businessman.
He is diligent in protecting his daughters' hearts and encouraging them to have high standards for their future husbands.
He opened his heart and his home to Michael when God brought him to us, and has loved him as his own since the first day.
He loves his family fiercely and and is comfortable expressing his love to us all both verbally and physically.
He is not afraid to apologize and ask for forgiveness, even from the kids, when he is wrong.
He cares about the things that are important to our kids. He rarely misses a ball game, program, or recital that our children participate in. If he does have to miss one because of work, he is genuinely sad.
I could go on and on. The are just a few of the many, many ways he blesses our family every day.
Happy Father's Day, Dan! I love you more than I could ever say.

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