It's his turn. Grandma and Grandpa took Katie and Mackenzie when they were about his age. He's been looking forward to this for a long time.
I know he will be having a great time. They are visiting all the Disney parks, plus Sea World. The Trimbles are Disney experts, so they know all the best things to do and see. They go so often I wouldn't be surprised if Mickey himself met them at the airport and carried their bags!

But I miss him already. The house is so quiet without him here.
You would think since Dan works from home and we homeschool the kids, that after being on top of each other 24/7 , we would enjoy the break, but in all actuality, we like it that way. We are so used to being all together all the time, that when one of us is gone, we really feel the absence. Especially when the absent one is just so stinkin' cute!
So, if you read this, Elijah, we love you and miss you bunches. Have a great time and don't get too spoiled!
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