Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Last of the summer pictures (I think)

Scenes from the Edgar County Fair :

Mackenzie and Elijah on the Tornado

Dizzy Dragons

Eleanor was so happy that they got to ride in the pink dragon.

Only Mackenzie was crazy enough to ride the Zipper.

I can't believe my baby girl is up there!

Look out, NASCAR.

1001 Nachts

I get sick just watching it.

When elephants fly...

Waiting for the Hanglider to start

Woo Hoo!

Katie and Constance do not enjoy the rides so much.

Ice cream!

The highlight of the fair for Eleanor was this little purple and pink plastic trumpet she won in a fishing game. You would have thought it was a diamond ring.

Ferris Wheel

More summer pictures...

So summer is winding down, and there are so many pictures that I haven't posted yet. I guess it really doesn't matter since my mom is the only person who reads this blog anyway, but since she mentioned it the other day, here they are:

Elijah enjoyed playing ball again this summer. Dan was his coach again, which is fun. The kids are so cute. Mackenzie was the assistant coach this year.

In June we went to the Newman Festival. It is always a good time!

Eleanor gave it her best at the pedal tractor pull. She didn't make it very far, but she looked lovely doing it.

Elijah did great and took home the third place trophy in his age group.

On Friday evening, just after the tractor pull, a nasty storm was headed towards Newman. We left town just before it hit, but then stopped on the way to have a little weather watching lesson. We homeschoolers are weird like that.

This is a wall cloud.
This is a wall cloud trying to form a funnel.
Maybe we should head on home.

The next day we were back in Newman for the parade.

The Lion's Club Marching Band. The fact that I am posting this is proof that my father can no longer embarass me by any silly thing he does. I'm completely immune.

candy grabbers

Our friend Therese pretending like she doesn't know us.

Watching the fireworks later that night.

Ooh. Ahh.