The video is dark, but you can see the lights well. If you watch carefully, you can also see how the butterflies move up and down like carousel horses as they go around. Too cute!
She's been eating a lot and growing. At her one month appointment she weighed 10 lbs. 8 oz., so she's gained two and half pounds in a month. Yep, that's my girl. Check out those cheeks and that extra little chin.
Sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping, except during the hours of 2 am and 5 am, which is the best time to be awake in her opinion. Do I sound tired?Bath time seems to be something she enjoys, which is a good thing since she has a tendency to spit up a lot, and sometimes doesn't smell as pretty as she looks.
Last week we joked that she discovered "up" because she seemed to figure out that she could look up and spent the whole day with her head deliberately thrown back staring at the ceiling of whatever room she was in.
Constance and Katie took advantage of one of the nice days we had recently and went for a walk in her new stroller. She liked that a lot, too.
It has been a wonderful month getting to know the newest blessing to our family. Constance, you are a treasure and we love you more than words can say!
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Psalm 126:3