and that is a good thing. I could do without any more of the kind of excitement we had around here last weekend! 
As an update on our incident, the man who came here was hospitalized briefly, but has been released. He called our home yesterday morning and spoke with Dan. He was apologetic and humble. Dan was able to share forgiveness with him and tell him that we are praying for him. I think there may be criminal charges filed for the\weapons offense, but we reallydon't have anything to do with that. I just hope that through all of this our family might be a witness to this man and that he will come to know the joy and peace that a relationship with God can offer.
In other news, we have been busy helping my inlaws move into their new home. About a year ago they moved 3 1/2 hours away for my father-in-law's work, but they missed their family so much that they decided to come back. They are moving to the same small town where my parents still live. My inlaws are wonderful people. We have missed them so much, and are rejoicing that they are close to us again. What a blessing for our children to have all four of their grandparents living only 15 miles away!
A cute story about when Elijah saw their house for the first time: As we were leaving, he said, "Mom,I got to go into Grandpa's den."
"You did?" I answered.
"Yeah, it wasn't underground or anything. It was just like an office," he replied.
It took me a second to figure out what he meant, but then I realized that when Nana told him that Grandpa had a den in the house, he was expecting a den like a bear or fox would live in. The room must have been a big disappointment.